Web Addendum

We understand the significance of licensing, and we've simplified it without compromise.

Explore a comprehensive breakdown of our licenses, each tailored for specific use cases.

Web Addendum

Web Embedding Info

The Web Addendum allows for embedding fonts within Websites. Average Monthly Page Views (AVMPV) is the average number of page views per month over the past 12 months.

Legal documents confuse me. Are there a few easy rules for me to follow so I know what I can and can't do without purchasing additional rights?

Yes. . . and no. Here’s your cheat sheet: One, the Basic License permits only the named licensee to use the font files. Two, the named licensee is allowed to use the fonts in static format and to send static files to any unlicensed user. (the exception is that use of the fonts – even statically – as part of the surface or user interface of a product requires an Addendum.) Three, any live electronic use requires an Addendum. Four, no one is allowed to modify the font files without our specific permission.

But our lawyer makes us add the “. . . and no” because a short list cannot replace a three-page document. When in doubt, ask us via the contact form or consult an attorney.

Where can I find an example of licensing for large groups as mentioned on the font's page and FAQ?

The Group license document is almost identical to the exemplar EULA shown here, with some small changes at the top to accommodate the different ways of counting the user base. If you would like to see an exemplar please contact us.

Do you have an addendum for Epub use?

Darden Studio Desktop licensing permits use in products, including books and magazines, where the fonts are not embedded. Additionally, it permits distribution of pdfs to unlicensed users. If your e-publishing use includes PDF file type as the final deliverable, you do not need additional licensing. If you are using another method of embedding, please contact us to discuss other licensing options. If you are not embedding the fonts, you don’t need additional licensing.

Do I need to renew the basic license every year?

No. Basic licenses are perpetual.

When counting the CPUs for the license I need to buy, can I add the CPUs of my design agency onto my own license?

No. Basic licenses only cover installation on computers owned by a single entity. The easiest way for your agency to use the fonts if with their own separate license. Alternately, you can purchase a distribution addendum for four times the cost of a basic license.


Pricing below only reflects subfamilies, for more complicated licensing quotes use the a typeface's Buy Section. the below table displays prices for one year.

Average Monthly
Page Views
1 style
2 styles
3 styles
4 styles
5 styles
6 styles
7 styles
8 styles
9 styles
10 styles
11 styles
12 styles
13 styles
14 styles
15 styles
16 styles
Kit &
17 styles
18 styles
Gamay & Omnes
19 styles
20 styles
21 styles
22 styles
23 styles
24 styles
500 Million

Web Embedding

THIS ADDENDUM to the numbered end-user license agreement (“EULA”) referenced above (the “License”) is deemed effective as of the date referenced above (the “Addendum Effective Date”), on condition that an authorized representative of the Licensee has completed the online check-out, including clicking agreement to the Addendum terms.

  1. The last sentence in section 1(a) of the License is hereby deleted in connection with the uses of the Font Software permitted by this Addendum. This Addendum is effective only for the term of years named above from the Addendum Effective Date. Unless you obtain a new addendum covering a future time period, all use permitted hereunder must be discontinued by the term expiration date, subject to all of the provisions of the EULA.
  2. Sections 1(b) and 1(c) of the License are hereby modified to additionally permit you to self host embedded webfont versions of the Font Software on Internet domains (including subdomains) that are collectively experienced by the visitor as one “website” (“domain” or “domains”) so that the fonts are viewed in live-text format.
  3. This license permits embedding in an unlimited number of domains so long as they are substantially dedicated to the licensed brand, and the brand is prominently displayed and identified on the domains (or, if there are multiple brands, they are all owned by you, and the Font Software is used only for the licensed brand).
  4. Section 1(f) is modified to permit you to subset the Font Software files embedded in the licensed websites, on condition that you retain the Darden Studio name of the Font Software. Darden Studio is not responsible for any display or other technical problems which may occur as a result of your use of third-party software for this permitted modification. You are not permitted to otherwise modify the Font Software without Darden Studio’s express permission. By way of illustration and not limitation, font file name obfuscation and the swapping of default characters are both expressly forbidden.
  5. The Addendum fee is based upon the average monthly combined traffic (measured over a one-year period) on all websites, up to the maximum stated above, that use the Font Software. For each domain, the traffic count is for all pages, including subdirectories and subdomains, even if they do not contain the Font Software. The price will be based either on Average Monthly Page Views or, if the website is a single or multi-page application, on Average Monthly Unique Visitors. The price stated above represents the prepaid amount. For each year, if actual use exceeds the prepaid amount you will be charged the difference between the prepaid amount and the actual use price based on the tier-based pricing in effect at the time of purchase. (For a multi-year Addendum, you will be asked to report actual use at the close of each year and pay any difference between the prepaid and the actual use price, with no penalty.) The price of a new addendum will be based upon Darden Studio’s pricing tables then in effect.
Download Exemplar Web Embedding